Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stephen L. Carter "Just Be Nice" Thoughts

After reading through Stephen L. Carters Essay about three times I still have no idea what his main point is. I think neither does Stephen L. Carter. He seemed just to be writing stuff that bothers him about todays generation and just goes on ranting and ranting. He starts off talking about etiquette with todays youth then goes on some spiel about how kids arent punished enough and then starts talking about offensive language. He's all over the place and none of the paragraphs really relate to each other. He seems like he maybe an intelligent man but this whole essay is just lazy writing.


Andrea Stemaly said...

Even if the meaning is not clear, does it follow any arguments constructs?

Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? His point is very clear! I guess you do not see the effects that manners and etiquette have on young adults and even children today. I am one of the them that has experienced many of the issues that Stephen is explaining. When I read this article, myself being only 19, even I can understand his view on how it is changing our education. Without having some sort of civil communications our world will come to an end. Manners help towards being professional. If you lack a simple thank you or please, you will be looked at like a pig. If you use your brain, and think about it, without having manners our country and others can plumit! Think about that one.